episode 29 - planning for the day you are not there

Happy New Year to all the father and father-figures out there. In the spirit of the new year, we start 2020 off with a bang. We are discussing estate planning and whether you should or discuss things with your family. We know this would be a touchy subject, but no matter how hard it is to talk about now, there will be a time it would need to be discussed. The question is whose best interest will be at the forefront and will all your hard work get be able to bless those you intended to take care of the next day.

episode 27 - The Spirit of Christmas

We at New School Daddy love this time of Year. We get to spend time appreciating those we love, eating, drinking and being merry. Today's podcast is all about that. In a time where society puts a big emphasis on the "gift" and not the "giving" part of the season, we want all dads to lean on the giving and take this time of year to teach your children about what Christmas is truly about.

episode 26 - The Boomerang Generation

Today's conversation is the Boomerang Generation. This is the generation of young adults between 25 - 35 who return home to stay with there parents instead of moving on in the world on their own to continue their growth into adulthood. We discuss both sides of this topic. Is it the new adults unwillingness to grow-up or the parents cuddling their child and viewing them as their "baby".


CBS News article:


Parable of the Son:


Psalm 127: 4-5:


Kahlil Gibran; The Prophet (On Children)


episode 22 - Is there a double standard with raising boys vs. girls

Today we talk about the age old discussion of whether or not there is a double standard when raising a daughter vs. a son. We dive head first in social options on the topic and some suggestions of how you can think about the conversation of sex and sexual identity with your kids.

episode 19 - oh how I love my spouse

In this episode, we talk about how we try to keep the love in our relationship with our wives burning with tips we've picked up along the way to "forever". Everything from date nights, getaways, and even using the Five love languages for better understanding in showing our appreciation to and for our wives. This is a good one but don't take my word for.

episode 18 - Igniting the entrepreneurial passion in our children

Today we talk about how as parents we can identify our children's passions and help them use there strength to build a bright future of their own making whether it be as an entrepreneur or an employee of a company they feel works best for them. We covered a lot of ground so we list some of the resources discussed in the podcast.


10 Books for Budding Entrepreneurs and Can-Do Kids by Richard Rende, Ph.D

8 Entrepreneurial Skills Your Kids Need to Succeed in Life and Work (Infographic) by Nadya Khoja

Shows to Watch

Wu - Tang American Saga - Available on Hulu

Raising Dion - Available on Netflix

episode 17 - Dad Journal w/ Kevin Webb Part 2

Continuing our conversation with Mr. Kevin Webb, we dive deep into the world of sexual consent and gender identity. We learn about some of the struggles the youth of today are going through in the high school and college arena when it comes to sex. Though we know are children will have sex at some point in their lives, Kevin shares ways to talk with your children about what consensual sex, title 9, and even rape. He also offers some our listeners resources and organizations parents can use to aid them in these conversations surrounding sex and consent. We listed the links to the resources and organizations discussed in this podcast.

A Call To Men - www.acalltomen.org

Men Can Stop Rape - https://www.mencanstoprape.org

Know your IX - Empowering Students to Stop Sexual Violence - https://www.knowyourix.org

The body Book for Boys by Rebecca Paley - https://www.amazon.com/Body-Book-Boys-Rebecca-Paley/dp/0545237513

The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls - https://www.amazon.com/Care-Keeping-You-Younger-American/dp/1609580834

episode 12 - It's Back to School Time Again

In the spirit of our children going back to school, we discuss and suggest various topics on what conversations we should be having this school year with our children to prepare them for learning. We cover "how to communicate with your childs teacher", "who is responsible for teaching our children", to "how society is dictating how we should be raising our kids to live in this world".