episode 17 - Dad Journal w/ Kevin Webb Part 2

Continuing our conversation with Mr. Kevin Webb, we dive deep into the world of sexual consent and gender identity. We learn about some of the struggles the youth of today are going through in the high school and college arena when it comes to sex. Though we know are children will have sex at some point in their lives, Kevin shares ways to talk with your children about what consensual sex, title 9, and even rape. He also offers some our listeners resources and organizations parents can use to aid them in these conversations surrounding sex and consent. We listed the links to the resources and organizations discussed in this podcast.

A Call To Men - www.acalltomen.org

Men Can Stop Rape - https://www.mencanstoprape.org

Know your IX - Empowering Students to Stop Sexual Violence - https://www.knowyourix.org

The body Book for Boys by Rebecca Paley - https://www.amazon.com/Body-Book-Boys-Rebecca-Paley/dp/0545237513

The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls - https://www.amazon.com/Care-Keeping-You-Younger-American/dp/1609580834